Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Common sense! Who's Got It?

Hello World,

Today I was reassured [once again] that not everyone has that little voice telling them what they "from societies stand point" should already know. Now, this would not be the first time I’ve had this thought, most certainly it will not be the last. I have the less than pleasure of working with numerous people who DO NOT seem to have common sense. I find their capacity of understanding simple tasks and commands to be very low at times. Which is SUPER irritating, for I spend a large amount of MY time reiterating the same tasks over and over again. I try to understand my place in it all. I try to realize that there are numerous things that I do that bug others. While I am NOT the smartest rock in the box, I am not the dumbest one either. I also know that every person has their own capacity of learning, doing, and understanding. We can not always do as much, or as little as the next man/woman.

Human nature is to judge what we don’t understand, and I find myself on an almost everyday bases NOT UNDERSTANDING. My thought is this, though it is more of a question, yet can be answered is a question in its self. Where is the line between what your brain should know, and what you couldn’t know unless you were told?

After posing said question, I want to say 3 things.
This blog was written to relieve my frustration with coworkers. A vent if you will.
I do not see myself as perfect, nor do I know everything.... is that four things?

Sincerely Unknown.

1 comment:

  1. many just forget to use
    it lol i know i have my
    moments :)
