We as a people have relied on appearance for far too long... everyone has some shallowness to them but today I noticed overt shallowness to the tenth degree.
ShallowISM- the overt prejudement of another person without considering who they could be on the inside; to look at a glass, but only half full
Ohh... let me introduce myself I am the (:)Black Rose(:) a woman of many seasons, opinions, and many would say blunt honesty I just say whatever comes to mind.
Back on topic but today I witnessed a girl leaned into a shiny opaque vehicle speaking with a guy she had just met in passing and my initial thought was "girl run he could be a psycho" then I noticed the shiny rims, nice jewelry, and the host of other things that would make him stand out in a line up and from his shoes to his neckline he had all the material things but he lacked an attractive face and from that moment I knew he and she were only thinking about one thing- that is material possessions and eachother's appearance.
People focus on the outerness of people versus what is on the inside and I ponder if all you know about a person is what you see initially then we all have our own discriminaces and use them to judge people on how they look not by what they say, dont try to stop this pratice because it is done unconsciously, but we can change the way we look at one another and start focusing on inner qualities versus outer possessions.
This is the (:) Black Rose (:) signing off... ask yourself the next time you decide to befriend, holla at, or gossip about someone consider who they are on the inside without judging them on what they have on, what type of car they drive, where they live at, or if they have money.... think about if they would be a good investment of your time?
Another thorn plucked...await the next blossom...
ShallowISM- the overt prejudement of another person without considering who they could be on the inside; to look at a glass, but only half full
Ohh... let me introduce myself I am the (:)Black Rose(:) a woman of many seasons, opinions, and many would say blunt honesty I just say whatever comes to mind.
Back on topic but today I witnessed a girl leaned into a shiny opaque vehicle speaking with a guy she had just met in passing and my initial thought was "girl run he could be a psycho" then I noticed the shiny rims, nice jewelry, and the host of other things that would make him stand out in a line up and from his shoes to his neckline he had all the material things but he lacked an attractive face and from that moment I knew he and she were only thinking about one thing- that is material possessions and eachother's appearance.
People focus on the outerness of people versus what is on the inside and I ponder if all you know about a person is what you see initially then we all have our own discriminaces and use them to judge people on how they look not by what they say, dont try to stop this pratice because it is done unconsciously, but we can change the way we look at one another and start focusing on inner qualities versus outer possessions.
This is the (:) Black Rose (:) signing off... ask yourself the next time you decide to befriend, holla at, or gossip about someone consider who they are on the inside without judging them on what they have on, what type of car they drive, where they live at, or if they have money.... think about if they would be a good investment of your time?
Another thorn plucked...await the next blossom...
Great Job Black Rose! I'm proud we can do this together. We were long over due.