Monday, August 24, 2009

"People Never get the Flowers While They Can Still Smell'em

This year so far has been great but
for the american culture there have been
some great losses in terms of influential
and inspirational people. Farrah Fawsett,
Walter Cronkite, Edward Kennedy, and Michael

I understand that all of those people
are human just like me but being that those
type of people are in the public so often
when people like that die it makes you more
conscious of how easily people can just
come and go.

We're all put here on this Earth for
a certain amount of time when that time is
up, we leave.and none of us are either ready
for it nor do we know when. So to the people
around you that you care about...Tell them that
you LOVE them and how important they are to you
because you never know when that might be your
last time speaking to them.

Not to be morbid or anything but I just
wanted to speak on that...its real. Thanks
for reading.


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