Wednesday, July 7, 2010
I'm Black, Jack!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The Photo Says it All
(photo courtesy of
In this day and age of technology, there are many ways in
which a person can showcase their creativity. Whether you are
a painter, dancer, or writer; the internet allows you to showcase
your work on a global level. Creativity shows that a person
has an active imagination and the ability to express their emotions
in a way many cannot.
One day while looking on a friends facebook profile, I decided
to look at their "Notes" section. In this section of a facebook
profile a person can choose to write stories, inpirational quotes,
poems, or any form of writing they choose. I happened to stumble
upon a poem this person had titled "The Mystery of Iniquity"
now mind you I am an avid AVID fan of LAURYN HILL and on
her 2002 album Unplugged 2.0 she had a song called (wait for it,
wait for it..) "THE MYSTERY OF INIQUITY". So as I read the
title I already assumed I was about to read some plagerism but
then I thought maybe her title was simply an inspiration for
a poem he decided to write.
I decided to continue reading and read that he had copied
her song WORD FOR WORD!! He did not put that the song
was by her or that it was not his own poetry. He had allowed
many people to post comments telling him how amazing of a
poet he was and he was responding by saying thank you and
saying how its really hard for him to come up with great poetry
like that and how it was a "gift." It disgusted me.
I called him out on it and he eventually deleted it from his
profile but the point is he had the audacity to steal the words
and ideas that came from another person's mind and call it his
People may not realize it but that is kinda like mentally raping
someone. When people come up with stories, music, paintings,
dances all of these things come from inspirations that they get from
their lives, their experiences, their moments of feeling up and down.
To take someone elses ideas is like robbing them of their experience
and calling it your own. I, myself am a writer and on some occasions
it takes many long grueling hours to come up with an interesting
or thought provoking piece and to find out someone else stole it
is gut wrenching.
ANY time I quote someone, use a picture, song lyric, piece of
writing, even quote part of a convo i've had with a friend I will
either reference the person that came up with it or at least
let people know that it is not of my own thoughts.
Basically what I'm trying to say is keep it real, dont steal people's
ideas because it truly shows who and what you are as a person.
It exposes your true capablities and it ultimately makes you look
less credible when people find out you plagerized.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
You're Ghetto
It's grinds my gears when people say things like:
- "Hey, look at those people over there on the front porch in the kitchen chairs"
and someone else responds "That's GHETTO!"
Now excuse me for my "ghetto-ness" but if it's one hunneds degrees outside and you don't have air condition or lawn chairs I don't give a got damn if it's ghetto or not I'm sitting my ghetto ass out side on the porch and as far as it being the front porch if it's my house it doesn't matter what side I choose to sit on. And that's for damn sure!!!!! "
I have another scenario:
I told my cousin I thought baggy clothes were ghetto, and unprofessional. She asked me why, and I couldn't give her one good reason. In that moment I realized I was being superficial. The tables turned on me though when my cousin and I made this really catchy rap for my voice mail, and more than one person told me I was being unprofessional. My argument is that I will do the same GOOD work with the voice mail, that I would without it. I feel it is my personal phone and voice mail, and it shouldn't matter. Might I add it's a clean rap too, no profanity or double entendres. I like the rap, and it really is fitting because my profession is art. IT IS CREATIVE! To tie this in with being ghetto if a person is going to work hard, they are going to work hard regardless, so who am I to judge them for wearing baggy clothes. There work is what speaks for them, there clothes do not. Fabric does not speak.
Sincerely Unknown
Sunday, May 9, 2010
"Dear Mama"
(Photograph of a mother and her daughter
courtesy of
Today is Sunday May 9 and in America Mother's
Day is being celebrated. Cards, flowers, candy,
perfume and an assortment of other things have
been bought to show reverence to Mothers all over
I have an immense amount of respect for the
job that mothers have. For me my mother has
gone above and beyond in taking care of me.
Throughout my life,she has been a friend,
confidant, doctor, chef, chauffer, listener,
hair stylist, tutor, and much much more.
My mother has always been by my side. Anytime
there was a problem she was there to listen and
to help me. She is one of the few people in my
life to show genuine appreciatiion for me just
because. The love I have recieved from her has
been pure, unconditional.
My mother has also been a great example of how
to uphold yourself with dignity and class, in any
situation. She has always walked with grace, and
poise and I thank her so much for being a positive
example of a phenomenal woman.
Today I just want to say thank you Mommy, you
are a light that has always shone brightly in
my life, I appreciate you, and I LOVE you.
To you readers, if you can, give your mother
a hug and a kiss today and tell her you love her.
I know everyone does not have the best relationship
with their mothers but if you can, today make her
feel special. Remember, everyone does not have
a mother to hug today, and if you do have one, take
advantage of this oppurtunity. You only get ONE mother.
Thank her for all that she does.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Don't Look At Me!
I didn't know what my hair would be like without a relaxer. To be honest I got to the point where I didn't care.. at the end of the day I said its just hair. My hair can't run my life, a lot of us especially women will not go out to the club,swimming or even church if our hair is not cute. And yea it's funny but its sort of sad, we have to learn to accept ourselves. Nappy which isn't a word that we came up with people..(but that's another story) but since that's the term we've come to use, I'm going to say that Nappy isn't bad.It's beautiful and maybe one day the permed or relaxed sista who is reading these words will venture on her journey and find a whole other beauty she never knew she had.
Words and video by
Lyric + Rhymes - Tables + Times
I have been a music person (as I like to call it) for all my life. It's been easier for me to memorize lyrics and rhymes rather than tables and times. (Did u catch that? lol) I've never really been the one who enjoys going to school but I always had my journal right there with me. So I say to myself that this move can either turn out to be my greatest accomplishment, or my biggest mistake. I love to sing though. I base my whole life around music, I live musically. Anything I say or do I want to turn it into a verse of a song. Although I'm in Cali for music, it was my producer who made the move possible. He told me he was about to move for good and I had the option of coming out there a few times a month to work on our music. I said "f*^% that, I'M COMING WITH YOU!" It wasn't like I was tied down in Chicago so I had a perfect time to leave, and I took it. I packed my bags, kissed my family farewell, and started my journey. Aside from all the music and the industry life, the weather is beautiful so how could I have passed this up? At this moment, I am still in waiting for things to happen. I am finishing my demo and soon enough I'll be shopping it around and seeing what happens next. That's pretty much how I live my life... it's all about "what happens next"..... and as I wait, I can only pray that this is what I'm supposed to do. I can always go back, but at least now I can say that "I Tried". And that's more than anyone else can say...
Jessica Ballard
Two And A Half.
I also have 6 month old daughter, who has genetic disorder called Trisomy 18. Ohh how I hate Trisomy 18! Trisomy 18 is when you have an extra chromosome attached where you were only suppose to have one. Most woman actually miscarry. The doctors told me after two weeks my angel was born my body was strong enough to hold on to her. I am so thankful it did. My family and I found out that Trisomy 18 is terminal, so eventually my daughter will be up in heaven watching over me and her brother. It will very slowly take over her whole body, and break it down. But I try to not let that get in the way. I try to think that everything is ok. Every second I get with her I cherish, I take tons of pictures with her and try to take her to see the world. I break down when I'm alone; it's hard knowing that I'm going to lose my daughter. However I know I can not give up; because I have to stay strong for my son. He needs his mommy too. So while I'm at work thinking if my daughter is ok it's also my escape! Being a single mom is harder than I thought, and also very lonely! But I have great kids, a family, and great friends who keep me on my toes. I love them for that very much!
Nicole Brennan
Dedicated to Aubrey Renae Harvey
Can I Kick it?
I don't want to wife her up and be her hubby(per se). I want to keep the element of fun in the relationship. No expectations of the future, only living for whats now. At the our young age, we would be fools to think otherwise. I say that; because many young people couple up, then label up. They become "HUSBAND AND WIFE" or any variation of that (I.e hubby and wifey). In all seriousness I'm looking for an experience with a girl who can (at this moment in time) complete me. It's not about the Mrs. Right. It is about Mrs. Right now (as funny as that may sound). More so it would be like Yin and Yang.
The "kick it" relationship mentality is the principal of fun. But not just fun, it is foundation for the POSSIBILITY of what can come from it. It is her teaching me, and me teaching her. It is someone to talk to on a whole other level; while embarking on new journeys via sex, travels, mental growth.
We could/would definitely count as a couple, yet I want us still to be friends. I want us to kick it.
Diego Cruz.
Friday, March 19, 2010
"Can I Get A Window Seat"
"I just want a chance to fly
A chance to cry
And a long bye bye.."
Recently Erykah Badu released a song
called Window seat Badu sings about how
she "doesn't want to time travel no mo"
Basically she is saying she wants a little
break from some of the things that are
presently going on in her life.
Erykah is asking for a simple request that
many ask for every single day. One problem
in American society is that we are always so
on the go that we rarely ever stop and take
some time out for ourselves so that we
can get a chance to just chill and think about
what it is that we truly want out of life.
Many day to day demands cause us to forget
that we all need to have a little time to
ourselves. To just allow ourselves to be
completely present in the moment, to breathe,
to be stress free, and to just relax.
So to any of you out there reading this
allow yourself some personal time because
everyone needs it every now and then.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
When in Rome
It takes my breath away.
Im half way through my study abroad semester in Rome, Italy. I have I been allowed the opportunity to be inspired by the grandeur of the Colosseum, the historic richness of the Roman Forum, the Beauty of the Trevi Fountain, the immaculate Churches and much more that Rome has to offer. It seems everything is beautiful about this city, even alleyways and winding roads. Coming this semester has also opened the door to seeing other countries, including England, France, Switzerland and Greece.
London was fabulously fashion forward, I saw God in Paris and fell in love again, I opened my eyes in Capri, and Im excited to see what will become of Switzerland and Greece.
I see so much in these places, but the most important thing Ive gotten from these places is how much they inspire me. The beauty I see here is so contagious that it is reflected in the food I cook, the clothes I wear, and the ways I choose to spend my time. Instead of wasting hours on that book of faces, or doing worthless things with my time it is spent on greater things. Music is on every corner here, its amazing how talented these old and spirited Italian musicians can be. So now, I make more music (I missed my guitar, so I ordered a Ukulele). The words spill like oil on my paper now, Im surrounded by so many thought-provoking things. This inspiration burns within me and is helping mold me as a better graphic designer and artist in general.
My time here has made me a better graphic designer, filmographer, artist, cook, musician, writer, thinker, and well I guess a better all-around person. And theres still 2 more months of this growing experience.
I never thought seeing the world would change me so much.
Im so glad it did.
Love Love Love
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Wallz...The point?
hope your life is going well
Mine is.
Many people are willing to befriend
others and create strong relationships
with people they meet but at the same time
alot of these people keep wallz up.
What are these wallz? we've all heard about
them, its the emotional detatchment that many
create so that they dont have to be vulnerable
with others. The wallz(so they think) keep them
safe from being emotionally harmed.
To be honest though; the wallz really dont protect
one's heart from anything. All it does is put
one's feeling on mute because a certain person
WILL come around and make you break that wall down.
Unfortunately you will get your feelings hurt
from time to time, you will get your heart broken,
and you might even get rejected. The point is, its
a part of LIFE, it is natural and HUMAN.
So no matter how well you think you are protecting
yourself all you are doing is trying to create a
false sense of reality for yourself. Wake up and
get over it, for there to be HAPPINESS, there must be
SADNESS, for there to be a SUN there must be a MOON etc...
its all part of the circle that is LIFE
Respect it and in stead of hiding from it
take each experience as a learning experience
you'll thank yourself later.
Stay Blessed
Friday, October 2, 2009
Grayson was asked to APOLOGIZE for his words, and he said this!(click for link)
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Dear Body
Apples and Mustard is a great vlogger, to keep up with her check out her channel
Sincerely Unknown.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The One Thing -The Black Woman, That Has Everything, Doesn't Have...
NONETHELESS- if you want to read the orignal and UN-CUT version of his blog post, visit Cameron X's blog: Whateva I Wanna Say
Sincerely Unknown.
The One Thing - The Black Woman, That Has Everything, Doesn't Have...
You know it. I know it. Everything from the range of their beautiful skin tones; to the rest of their body is unmatched by any other race of female. Their physical & mental STRENGTH is untouchable.They're not to be fucked with.
Once you see their necks jerking from side to side; you know to either shut the fuck up, or get the fuck on your way. They're the best paper chasers, and the most intelligent. However if you see one with BLOND/GOLD weave, BLOND braids , or BLOND hair dye; you can pretty much cancel all that shit I said about their
They're the envy of all women. Other women used to think fat asses were gross. Now these bitches is ass injected, lip plumping, laying under fake sun and baking on 450 for 2 hrs.
They might be all that, and a bag of flamin' hots but 4 the most part:
But What's One Thing That Most Black Woman Who Have Everything Don't Have? .......... A MAN !
You see them all the time. They have a great education, career, money, cars, and homes but they single as hell.
WHY ?!?! Lets take a closer look at the problem.
What I'm gonna do is give you a few reasons why a man might not approach yo' ass.
1) INTIMIDATED. A man won't just come out, and admit that but it's true. Y'all sure got a way of making us feel like shit when we're not on your level. We hear y'all tear fellas down all the time ........"Bumb ass n*gga this , Bumb ass n*gga that. He may actually be doing okay for himself ; but because he ain't doing it like you, he's beneath you. But on a couple more lonely Friday nights you'll be wishing "U" WAS BENEATH HIM.
2) NOSE IS TOO HIGH IN THE AIR. Nothings wrong with holding your head high, but when you can't smell your own shit; there's a problem. Wear bigger clothes. This way the odor can creep up ya' blouse, and smack YO ASS IN THE FACE. It wasn't that long ago that you were right here at the bottom. How soon do we forget, huh ? GUESS WHAT- YOU STINK TOO!
3) CONTROL ISSUES. " If you are not in control, there's an issue. But I bet when it comes down to certain situations you want us 2 take control. Now I'm Daddy 2 you huh?
4) DON'T HAVE TIME FOR RELATIONSHIPS, I hear you. Get money, that's what its all about. All your time is invested in chasing it. Who's gonna knock you for that? If you can only give a quarter of your time to a man, the relationship is doomed. Being that us men have a very sensitive button, we're not interested in nothing more than the occasional booty call.. If you was gonna be busy all the time, and all we do is have sex, WELL DAMN...IF I HAD OF KNOWN THAT I COULDA' JUST TURNED MYSELF OVER, AND WENT TO SLEEP. IN MY OWN BED, INSTEAD OF CUDDLIN UP WIT YOU. "BANG BANG--BANG BANG -- BANG BANG".....Bye!
5) TOO GOOD TO APPROACH MEN. Some women are stuck in the dark ages. Every man is not going to step to you, because you got it going on. Women can come a dime a dozen. You chased your dream career and got it. Try that with your dream man. Unlike the dreams you have when your sleep , this one isn't gonna just come to you. Keep thinking its a man's duty to bag you. That's why y'all damn near 40 hanging' in the clubs & still single. You will be just as lonely next Valentine's Day.
Then there are some of you that meet guys, but he doesn't want you. Hmm... all I can say is IT HAS TO BE YOU! As much as you want to blame men, this is all your fault. Some women act like it is no big deal; because you have your little flings, and what not but I know better. You are not going to be able to keep up your Sex & The City shit too much longer! All those men you looked down on will do just fine without you.
Written by Cameron X
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Many of you may read this blog and many of you wont. So let me start by stating this. THIS BLOG IS NOT WRITTEN TO JUDGE YOU, SWAY YOUR SEX LIFE, OR TO CHANGE YOU. ITS BASED ON MY ON PERSONAL EXPERIENCE(s) AND IF IT HELPS JUST 1, I AM UTTERLY SATISFIED. Ok. Now that we have established that, lets move forward. When given the wonderful invitation to write a contributing blog for Mr. BIsAnArtist, I simply pondered the details of something worth sharing and that was of any substance and had meaning. Abstinence became my topic of choice. Let me share my story. Enjoy:
I love sex. Hot, sweaty, deep, passionate sex. I love the feeling of a man thrusting his pelvis against mine, on top of mine, behind mine, inside of mine, etc. I love the heat of the moment and the body vibrations. I love the sound of headboards banging and the switch in pace as I breathe. I love the art of two bodies coming/cummin together and uniting as one...if even for the moment. I love sex!!!!
A contradiction to the title? Not at all. There was a time when I loved sex. As I grew into the young lady that I am today, my views on sex evolved. I was in and out of relationships, man to man, hurting myself, dirtying my sheets. All for what? All to end up in a familiar situation of confusion and pain all over again. For years I would blame these men for my fucked up mentality toward them. I was always quick to point my finger at them and their faults. I was always playing the victim. Then one day, I realized that if this is a repetitive cycle in my life...maybe, just maybe it wasnt the men at all. Maybe it was simply just me. And as I continued to mature as a young woman, I had to take a break and work on myself. I refused to play the victim anymore. Im not saying sex was the reason everything was so messed up...but I am saying that it has played a major role. Think about it ladies (and gents); Take 2 couples. Both couples have been dating 6 months. One couple has a sexual relationship and the other couple has a non-sexual relationship. They break-up. The non-sexual couple will surely recover from the pains and differences in their relationship that they couldn't resolve. The couple with the sexual relationship, well, it will take quite the while to get over the pain of the break up because you have given up so much of your self, your soul, and your inner most personal love.
Ponder that.
[ This has been a taste of the the DIVINE B.Coll, to read the rest of her blog post vist her personal blog at ]
What HE do? HE did what?
sincerely Unknown
Post-Script - blaming his actions on the hennesy him and Amber Rose were sipping(straight from the bottle, might I add) was tasteless too.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Thank you,
sincerely Unknown
Creater of Abstracted Isms.
I won't DO that?
The baby is 10 months now, walking and trying her hardest to talk. She is like a sour patch commercial SOUR, yet so SWEET. You would think that life would be GRAND, but NOPE, still gets rough sometimes. I’m working a job, but bills are taking me under. I do get my monthly child support (petty change at best), however the recession is draining me. I hate to admit that numerous men offer to help me. No that’s not the part I hate to admit, the fact that I take them up is; mostly because their assistance comes with a price. You call it prostitution, and really that IS what it is! But for me it is my LAST RESORT. Pampers do not buy themselves, nor does milk. You might ask where the father is, my response would be, you can’t count on someone who HAS NOTHING. Though I’m not proud of my recent actions; I set pride aside when my child’s necessities are compromised. I was asked to do a guest spot on the Abstracted Isms blog, and it seemed like a way to voice a few trials and tribulations.
Janet Jupiter, single black female with child
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Smoker's Paradise: Smoking Secrets Revealed!
When the friend I was riding with saw the finished product, her reaction was one I've gotten used to getting since I discovered the key to rolling the PERFECT Fatty.
The last few times I've rolled a Spliff in front of my friends (or whoever happens to be my company at the time)... I've sent them into Complete Amazement and SHOCK!
One minute we're engaged in casual conversation ... and within the next 20 seconds, I've already rolled a PERFECT Ganja Spliff!
What is it that allows me to roll Record-Setting, Cigarette-Tight spliffs, faster than you can finish a sentence you may be wondering??? Well the answer is quite simple my friends...
Many readers will think, "I don't want to read about Illegal drugs," or "Weed is for losers," "Who wants to read about rolling spliffs???"... But may I remind you... Some of the GREATEST minds to walk the face of Earth were Regular, Everyday Spliff Rollers...
So before you judge, remember the Outstanding Leadership qualities that can stimulate one's brain when inhaling the Sacred Herb :)
But instead, my Spirit lead me to be Generous, and give this Precious, Sacred information away Absolutely FREE!
You can find roller machines for under $5 online on sites such as Ebay or "Google Shopping" by simply typing "cigarette rolling machine" in your search engine of choice. In no time, you'll be putting the blunts away, smoking Healthier, and rolling Faster!
Monday, August 24, 2009
I want to be cremated. Why, you ask? Because it is too costly to die, that’s why! Nowadays we KNOW it's expensive to live, but why is it so costly to die? Haven't we spent enough money on earth while living, to at least get a freebee when we past? Sure there is life insurance to help with arrangements, but as far as I'm concerned you can burn me up, put me in a bottle, and set me on the shelf! Otherwise you have to pay for a plot. Then you have to pay for the casket, and don’t forget about the wake and repast. After the parting services, and burial you'll have spent quite a bit of money; I know this from experience. So as of today, I want to be cremated.
What does a casket and plot mean? A place of remembrance, or a memorial perhaps; personally I want to be remembered when I was alive, well, and with sprit. In jest I said "you can put me on the shelf"; on the other hand, there is a chance in my lifetime I’ll find a place to where my ashes can be spread. Considering at that point my soul will have floated on. I would be nothing more than grinded bones. REALLY, I WOULD NOT BE ME AT ALL.
sincerely Unknown
"People Never get the Flowers While They Can Still Smell'em
for the american culture there have been
some great losses in terms of influential
and inspirational people. Farrah Fawsett,
Walter Cronkite, Edward Kennedy, and Michael
I understand that all of those people
are human just like me but being that those
type of people are in the public so often
when people like that die it makes you more
conscious of how easily people can just
come and go.
We're all put here on this Earth for
a certain amount of time when that time is
up, we leave.and none of us are either ready
for it nor do we know when. So to the people
around you that you care about...Tell them that
you LOVE them and how important they are to you
because you never know when that might be your
last time speaking to them.
Not to be morbid or anything but I just
wanted to speak on that...its real. Thanks
for reading.
Public Service Announcement
thank you
sincerely Unknown
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Some Cliches are Necessary
over and over, you know the things that your parents,
teachers, and other elders tell you that are supposed
to teach you a lesson about life. Some of the most common
Be yourself
Dont judge a book by its cover
Treat others the way you want to be treated
Well I really realize how important those cliches are
today, and Im so glad I know what they mean...So
I decided to go to the mall yesterday, and being
that I'm at home for summer vacation from college;
there are alot of people I saw that I had not seen in a
long time. Some I was excited to see and others.....ehh.
But what I noticed heavily was how some of the people
I knew that acted and dressed a certain way had completely
changed. Change is a beautiful thing but in one specific
case it wasn't.
I saw one of my really good friends from back in the day
named M(did u really think i was gonna put them out there
like that :) and we used to be so cool with each other so I saw
him with a few of his boys and I went to go say whasup and
he said: "whas good youngin"(dc slang when he knows he is
from NC) and then he gave me this hug that was kinda
inappropriate, as he did this his boys kinda whispered behind
him with a little giggle. He turned around and gave a little dap to
one of them after the hug.
I directed my attention to him and he kept giving me this
slimey look, i let it go and just kept trying to speak to him about
what he was doing with himself and no matter what I would say he
would ask me in this raspy voice "what you tryna do tonight though?"
and I kept saying "I dont know". I guess he got tired of that answer
so he decided to be a genius and reccommend me come to his house
and just "CHILL" I then just decided to end the conversation and
told him, "you know what I gotta go, ill see you later" so then he said
"aight imma see u lata, i know i am."
We both went our seperate ways and i stopped and turned
around to see him leave. I was so disgusted that i had to double
take to see if it really was the same M I used to know. He used to
be a gentleman, he spoke articulately and he used to walk with
dignity. Unfortunately he had become a follower, trying to be
someone else and I hated that. It just goes to show you that
highschool behavior doesn't end when you graduate. Some people
have to deal with what a wise man once told me is called "the 13th grade"
From what I saw, it seemed as if it was more work trying
to be like his friends than it was when M was just being
So, imma beat it into your head just one last time,
BE YOURSELF.......its much easier, and cooler that
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Common sense! Who's Got It?
Today I was reassured [once again] that not everyone has that little voice telling them what they "from societies stand point" should already know. Now, this would not be the first time I’ve had this thought, most certainly it will not be the last. I have the less than pleasure of working with numerous people who DO NOT seem to have common sense. I find their capacity of understanding simple tasks and commands to be very low at times. Which is SUPER irritating, for I spend a large amount of MY time reiterating the same tasks over and over again. I try to understand my place in it all. I try to realize that there are numerous things that I do that bug others. While I am NOT the smartest rock in the box, I am not the dumbest one either. I also know that every person has their own capacity of learning, doing, and understanding. We can not always do as much, or as little as the next man/woman.
Human nature is to judge what we don’t understand, and I find myself on an almost everyday bases NOT UNDERSTANDING. My thought is this, though it is more of a question, yet can be answered is a question in its self. Where is the line between what your brain should know, and what you couldn’t know unless you were told?
After posing said question, I want to say 3 things.
This blog was written to relieve my frustration with coworkers. A vent if you will.
I do not see myself as perfect, nor do I know everything.... is that four things?
Sincerely Unknown.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
headphones...check. head nod...check. bass...check. wallet....empty
So again, I'm sitting here listening to, downloading, and transferring illegal music and reading about Mos Def's recent album sales. And all I can think is "Damn...why didn't he sell more records?" I then (vocally) blame it on the fact that people don't know good music when they hear it. LOL...i know. I caught myself and gave my brain a mental slap. Owech...wait...owch...ouch, that's it. (...hard slap). Guess I need a name tag to put on my shirt that says hypocrite. I'm probably the biggest music fan in the world but I might buy one album a year...if that.
I have an image of myself in 20 or 30 years with a basement full of records, cds and cassettes of the classics that shaped me into who I am or will be. But until then, I'm the keeper of an always near-empty leather wallet that's unable to contribute to the sales of little round discs...but hey we're in a recession and even the price of food has gone up. And if the battle is between my ears and my stomach, my stomach uppercuts my eardrums everytime. (TKO)
Ok, I'm sorry...kind of rude of me. No introduction, no smile, not even a handshake. I'm always straight to business. Anyway, I write under the name [IMPERIAL]. I am a [CHICAGO NATIVE]. I am a quarter of a dollar [YEARS] old. I am [BLACK]. I am [ME].
(smiles) (shakes your hand)
-[imperial out]
Thursday, July 23, 2009
ShallowISM- the overt prejudement of another person without considering who they could be on the inside; to look at a glass, but only half full
Ohh... let me introduce myself I am the (:)Black Rose(:) a woman of many seasons, opinions, and many would say blunt honesty I just say whatever comes to mind.
Back on topic but today I witnessed a girl leaned into a shiny opaque vehicle speaking with a guy she had just met in passing and my initial thought was "girl run he could be a psycho" then I noticed the shiny rims, nice jewelry, and the host of other things that would make him stand out in a line up and from his shoes to his neckline he had all the material things but he lacked an attractive face and from that moment I knew he and she were only thinking about one thing- that is material possessions and eachother's appearance.
People focus on the outerness of people versus what is on the inside and I ponder if all you know about a person is what you see initially then we all have our own discriminaces and use them to judge people on how they look not by what they say, dont try to stop this pratice because it is done unconsciously, but we can change the way we look at one another and start focusing on inner qualities versus outer possessions.
This is the (:) Black Rose (:) signing off... ask yourself the next time you decide to befriend, holla at, or gossip about someone consider who they are on the inside without judging them on what they have on, what type of car they drive, where they live at, or if they have money.... think about if they would be a good investment of your time?
Another thorn plucked...await the next blossom...
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
One Ism to another!
Thank you
sincerely Unknown....
Monday, July 20, 2009
Sincerely Unknown.